CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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In the current global situation, which integrates technology and innovation, rapid changes have ensued. New skills and jobs that have never existed before are on the rise. The competition for quality employment is increasingly fierce. This is a crucial point that drives CPF to strive to be a learning organization, promoting the continuous development of skills and potential among its employees. CPF also recognizes the significant opportunity to support students, scholars, and society members, who have the potential to become important future personnel, by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and capabilities to sustainably meet business demands.

Employee Development

The company focuses on developing employees at all levels with future skills, upskilling their potential, and reskilling them in various areas to be ready to handle changes in current and future business operations. This is achieved through learning centers and employee development plans tailored to different professional groups, which help enhance employees` capabilities to drive sustainable business growth. The employee development programs cover four main areas as follows:

  1. CPF Fundamental Program: This program aims to develop employees`understanding of the company`s regulations and policies, enabling them to act in accordance with corporate values, governance, and business ethics. It provides a comprehensive overview of the company`s operations from upstream to downstream and enhances basic digital literacy to foster an understanding of technology use in the workplace and awareness of digital threats in daily life. In 2023, 100% of CPF employees, including workers, completed the prescribed fundamental knowledge training, totaling over 261,000 training hours.
  2. Digital Skills Program: This program focuses on developing employees` knowledge and skills in digital and technological areas. It is divided into three levels: Basic, Standard, and Advanced. The program covers seven essential skill areas, each with over 65 courses designed to develop knowledge and skills at all levels. Employees can attend courses as needed for their development. In 2023, the company continued to enhance digital knowledge and skills from the previous year, emphasizing the development of intermediate and advanced digital skills such as:

    Courses in the "Data Analytics for Upskilling and Business Result" which leverage business data to enhance work efficiency and generate measurable business outcomes. This approach aims to build a competitive advantage for the organization in the future. Currently, there are three key courses in this group: Data Analytics Essentials, Data Analytics Bootcamp, and Leading with Data for Strategic Decision Making. The Bootcamp courses integrate real business projects into the training process, which includes learning workshops, project coaching from experts, and reporting business outcomes to business unit executives. Additionally, there is another crucial course: Agile & Design Thinking Bootcamp.

    From 2021 to 2023, over 40,000 employees (56%) participated in digital skills development courses. This training has helped reduce costs and generate revenue for the organization, totaling over 920 million THB.

  3. Managerial & Leadership Development Program: This group of courses focuses on developing leadership skills for managers at all levels to enhance their capabilities for future business competition. The managerial and leadership skills courses are designed for three target groups:
    1. People Managers: Managers or supervisors.
    2. Management Level: Middle management.
    3. Senior Management & Executive Level: Senior management and executives.

    Additionally, high-potential employees (Talents) are selected for leadership development programs to prepare them for internal growth and to contribute to the sustainable growth of the organization. An example is the "Taokaenoi Project," which has seen 3,300 participants from 2018 to 2023, representing 5% of the employees, generating over 230 billion THB in revenue for the organization.

    The "CPF Business Transformation" course is designed to develop leaders who are ready to compete in the global market. This program, in collaboration with the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration (SASIN), creates a new dimension in CPF`s leadership development tailored for the digital age, enhancing business potential. The course focuses on developing leaders in four key areas: Global Trends and Digital, Strategic, Leadership, and Organizational. It aims to equip leaders to keep pace with global changes, build networks, and prepare for future opportunities or challenges. In 2023, a total of 72 participants from all business groups attended the two sessions of this course.
  4. Technical Skills Program: The company is dedicated to developing specific job-related skills through the establishment of learning centers by professional group within each unit (Technical Academy). These academies aim to develop employees according to competencies aligned with their responsibilities and the skills necessary to execute business strategies. In 2023, the company successfully established Technical Academies for 100% of its operations, covering 29 business groups, and set up 86 Knowledge Management (KM) units.

    The Human Resources department, through the CPF Training Center, has initiated a project to support all business units in establishing "Learning and Development Centers by Business Group" (Technical Academy). These centers aim to systematically and standardly develop specialized knowledge within each unit, enhancing employees` capabilities and acquiring new skills to meet the current and future business demands, thus ensuring sustainable business growth.

Furthermore, there is a recognition of the importance of cultivating a culture of lifelong learning within the organization, creating an environment that supports continuous learning. This is achieved through various learning formats, known as Hybrid training, which includes online, on-site, on-ground, and on-demand formats tailored to each learning program. The focus is on fostering continuous learning, practical application, and development, such as self-directed learning through E-Learning, live online training (Virtual Training), group coaching, and on-the-job training.

Especially in the current situation, the company has opened opportunities for employees to adapt their work styles to suit their roles and support self-directed learning from anywhere and anytime through the "Im-Ru" learning platform. This platform enables employees to access knowledge and skill development opportunities both internally and externally, including over 900 courses in On-demand Learning format.

Human Capital Return on Investment (HC ROI)

CPF discloses key indicators on human capital development in our Sustainability Report, such as average hours of training per year, average amount spent on training per full-time employee, and human capital return on investment (ROI).

In 2023, the HC ROI for Global operations was 0.89 THB.

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