CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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As a leading agro-industrial and food conglomerate, the Company contributes to the promotion of human rights by, but not limited to, making nutritious food available and accessible, employing people with fairness, building capacity of our business partners in the supply chain and improving the quality of life of the surrounding communities.
For Our business to succeed, it is important that we understand and manage our human rights risks. We, therefore, began to develop the Human Rights Due Diligence Process in 2016, which is implemented every three years. The process comprises analyzing and assessing human rights risks, managing those risks, and continuously monitoring and reporting our performances. This covers all the business units in Thailand.
In 2023, the Company conducted the Human Rights Due Diligence Process. for all of the companies’ business operations and associated activities in the value chain, in Thailand and overseas (17 countries in total). The process took into account all the Company’s employees and affected rights holders in the value chain (i.e. suppliers & contractors, local communities and customers & consumers) covering all diversity groups, sex (LGBTQI+), racial, religious, minorities, persons with disabilities, and social vulnerable groups; elderly, women, pregnant woman, children and youth. Moreover, it also includes joint ventures and business relations (mergers and acquisitions). The salient human rights issues are as followed:
Own Operations
  • Employee Health and Safety
  • Community Health and Safety
  • Community Standard of Living, and Water & Sanitation
  • Customer/Consumer Health and Safety
  • Supplier Health and Safety
Tier-1 Suppliers
  • Working Conditions
  • Employee Health and Safety
In addition, CPF and its subsidiaries place high importance on the protection of personal information of all employees, customers, business partners and business alliances. We are committed to protecting personal information from being misused and keeping such information safe in accordance with international standards. We have also introduced the personal information protection to our Code of Conduct and Personal Data Protection Policy which have already been adopted by CPF and its subsidiaries in Thailand. A project steering committee and a personal information protection task force were established to ensure that CPF and all subsidiaries perform accordingly and achieve the objectives mentioned above.

To ensure that these salient human rights issues are properly managed, the Company continues to eliminate forced labor and promote fair treatment of migrant workers in the supply chain through communicating the Sustainable Sourcing Policy and Supplier Guiding Principle. We also provide trainings for our business partners, encourage critical suppliers to conduct a self-assessment on sustainability, carry out sustainability audits on critical suppliers, and ensure that we source our key agricultural raw materials from responsible sources.

Meanwhile, CPF Safety, Health, Environment and Energy Vision, Mission and Policy lays out our commitment to promoting health and safety among our employees and contractors in compliance with laws and regulations so that they can work happily and safely.

Human Rights Grievance Mechanism

CPF places high importance on employee communication and complaint channels. The Welfare Committee of the Workplace is considered another communication channel between employees and CPF. It promotes awareness of equality and respect of human rights for all employees of every level and nationality, and enables employees to participate in expressing opinions, suggestions and complaints through their elected representatives. In addition, CPF has increased the number of committee members from the minimum required by law. The maximum number of representatives shall not exceed 17 persons for each establishment, depending on its size, and shall include diverse and vulnerable groups in terms of gender, race, religion and disability. If the election results do not cover such vulnerable groups, CPF shall make a comprehensive selection of a subcommittee to represent workers in such groups. The subcommittee is responsible for presenting problems and suggestions to the Welfare Committee prior to meetings with the executives who represent the Company.

The Company continues to collaborate with the Labor Protection Network (LPN) in establishing the ‘Labor Voices Hotline by LPN Center’ which provides the opportunities for all employees of any nationality at all levels to express both negative and positive feedbacks, provide suggestions, file complaints and grievances, or request assistance through an independent organization. This is an effective approach that helps improve employees’ quality of life. Through this collaboration, we also conduct training on labor rights for employees. This helps us to manage labor-related risks with transparency and fairness.

Upholding the Human Rights Principles amid Conflicts

CPF’s vision to become a “sustainable kitchen of the world” led to the company’s mission of producing safe, high-quality, and affordable food products for all consumers, and strengthening food security and accessibility for people of all nations, while ensuring food safety and environmental responsibility. We strive to serve all consumers in all countries, of all races, religions, and beliefs. It is our duty to conduct our businesses in accordance with principles of human rights, international, and national regulatory obligations, while also supporting the global sustainable development agenda, in particular, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) focusing on food and ensuring zero hunger (SDG no. 2), health and well-being for all (SDG no. 3), responsible consumption and production (SDG no. 12), and international collaboration (SDG no.17).

To pursue our commitment to food security, the Company invested in many countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. While Russia is one of the countries that we have invested because of its insufficiency of meat supply (food shortage). The Company entered the Russian market to develop animal protein production to serve both domestic and international markets, including consumers in Africa.

As the world is challenged with a food security crisis, we believe it is imperative for Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited to continue to produce food for all consumers, while upholding the principles of human rights and humanitarianism. The Company will continue to closely monitor the situation with measures to ensure safety and well-being of its employees, business partners, customers and surrounding communities. We have also been reviewing our business in Russia to identify how best to move forward.

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