CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
Corporate Governance
Continuously develop and achieve business growth goals and fulfill the commitment to sustainable long-term value. Go with all stakeholders.
our mision
Message to Shareholders
The company is still working hard to raise its competitive edge. For continued growth
CPF and Sustainability
To strengthen capacity and growth opportunities while creating shared value with diverse stakeholder groups.
CPF and Sustainability
CPF drives innovation to create business excellence while simultaneously making sustainability for a better world for our future generations, under the strategy of "Sustainovation".
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Apart from taste and quality of food products, consumers today place importance on nutritional values so as to have good health and long life. The Company is, therefore, committed to developing food products with proper nutrition that meet the dietary requirements of all ages and different physical conditions following the ‘CPF Healthier Choice Principles’. In accordance ‘with the United Nations’ guidelines on healthy food development, we attentively carry out food research and development with the use of advanced technology through the CPF Food Research and Development Center. We aim for healthier and more nutritious products to account for 50% of the new product development by 2030 in order to foster sustainability for the health of the world’s population.
Products Promoting Nutrition, Health and Wellness
In 2023, CPF introduced new products developed to promote nutrition, health and wellness, which were equivalent to 48 percent of the total new products of the year. Moreover, we also took part in promoting access to health products among over 26 million consumers (Thailand operations).
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