CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
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CPF recognizes that disease prevention is the key to overcoming diseases, particularly avoiding risky behaviours and creating an environment that fosters health-care behaviours through new initiatives to create behavioural change, such as campaigning and enhancing knowledge. In addition, it is important to focus on cultivating a foundation of good health from a young age to ensure the country’s sustainable future.

Raising Awareness and Enhancing Knowledge to Promote Consumer Health


Fresh, clean, chemical-free products and 100 percent safe with innovative probiotics: CP swine, chicken and shrimp are fed with probiotics (good microorganisms) which help create balance and boost the immune system in the intestines which accounts for 70 percent of the total immunity in the body, resulting in disease risk reduction and thus reduced use of antibiotics for treatment. As a result, there is no residue in animals. As meats are from animals raised without growth hormones or red meat accelerator, consumers can be 100 percent confident because “good health starts on your plate”.

icon-check.png CP fresh chicken, 100 percent chemical-free, safe, fed with 9species of probiotics.

icon-check.png CP fresh pork, 100 percent chemical-free, safe, fed with 8 species of probiotics.

icon-check.png CP Pacific shrimp, fresh, sweet, and dense flesh, only blanching is enough to offer unveil its full flavor.

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Premium Products with Innovative Super Food: swine and chickens are raised with super food in closed farms in accordance with animal welfare principles, to make them healthy and reduce risk of diseases. All swine and chickens are certified NSF antibiotic-free throughout raising periods. Benja Chicken is fed with brown rice, making chicken fleshes aromatic, soft, juicy and safe, with zero percent of hormone and no genetic modification (GMO). Cheeva Pork is produced from swine that are fed with feed containing flax seed, deep sea fish oil and natural seaweed that are rich in omega 3 and trans-fat-free.

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Plant-based meat alternatives with meatless meat innovation: the product provides meat-like texture and real-meat taste and nutrition, but completely free of antibiotics, hormones, genetic modification (GMO), and cholesterol. The products are also contained in eco-friendly packaging.


Tar-free sausage products with smoke-filtering innovation: produced from high quality pieces of meat without flour addition, through a continuous automatic production process which includes automatic storage of raw materials, that identifies raw material information by using RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) system to sort raw material use, production, and arrangement of products in Asia’s first automated warehouse, under cooling temperature control throughout the production. The smoke system with tar removal technology produces good quality smoke that allows the production process to ensure quality aroma, colour, and taste, all of which is possible without tar which is considered as a carcinogen. Nitrite content is strictly monitored to ensure that the nitrite content of CP sausages remains lower than that prescribed in the criteria of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Thailand, the US FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO). Consumers can be confident that CP sausages are clean and safe, and can be traced back to every step in the production process.


Healthy food and beverage products with special techniques: developed based on nutritional needs of each age range, for example:

icon-check.png Smart Soup Chicken soup with pumpkin and egg is instant blended food that can be used as liquid food for patients with tube feeding or elderly groups who have occlusion or swallowing problems. Chicken soup with pumpkin and egg can be drunk instead of a drink or as a supplement between meals to replace main meal. It is ready to eat and can be stored at room temperature for 12 months. It contains protein from chicken breasts and eggs, and is full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, so it is easy to digest and easily-absorbed. Developed using the standard formula of Ramathibodi Hospital, Smart Soup Chicken Soup with Pumpkin and Egg helps strengthen immunity and enable faster recovery in patients with its smooth texture allowing ease of consumption.


icon-check.png Natural Snow Mushroom Drinks, IMU and IMU Kiz: containing high beta-glucan from natural mucus produced by mushrooms with high fiber without bleach, which can be easily absorbed through intestinal walls. Natural snow mushroom drinks help nourish white blood cells, enhance immunity, maintain healthy body, recover health quickly, and reduce risk of illnesses. The drinks also contain hyaluronic acid to nourish lung fluid and moisturize skin, as well as polysaccharides that help relieve dry cough and lower sugar and cholesterol levels in blood, with low calories.

Collaboration in Promoting Consumer Health

CPF prioritises creating awareness and promoting knowledge about nutrition and healthy food for consumers, recognising that the stability of a country is built upon the strengths and health of its people. In 2022, the Company invested over 91 million THB towards initiatives that encourage sustainable and responsible consumption, through efforts in marketing, communication, and engagement with various stakeholder groups. An example is the “CP Selection Probiotic Fed” CP enhances food safety to the next level of animal feed innovation with probiotics supplemented. Swine and chicken have no sickness, no antibiotics. Furthermore, since 2015, CPF has been a member of the World Business Council for Sustainability (WBCSD) and a force in driving sustainable food systems, in line with the global trend of Food and Nature, as the Company strives to pave a way for a better world.

In 2022, CPF continued to move forward as a founding member of the “Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) working group for the fifth consecutive year, by jointly establishing two key projects: the Responsible Meat Initiative (ReMi) and the Positive Consumption working group.

CPF has been a part in the ongoing effort to drive effective practices for responsible consumption while finding ways to make better nutrition affordable for all. Furthermore in 2023, in support of the United Nations’ sustainable development goal of Zero Hunger (SDG2), the Company joined hands with 11 other global leaders to establish a joint framework, in line with the evaluations of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations: FAO, and published the “Food Affordability” report. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

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