CPF funds for the elderly

Population statistics show that the world is entering the aging society while Thailand is estimated to become an aged society by 2024.
Recognizing the importance of providing care for the elderly who contributed to their family and the community, we launched the “Happy Returns for the Elderly” project in 2011 and developed the “CPF Funds for the Elderly” in 2012. The aim of this project and the fund is to find a sustainable solution to continuously support the elderly so as to increase their quality of life and enable them to live happily.
CPF Funds for the Elderly aims at supporting the elderly above 55 years old surrounding the factories and farms who are neglected, unaided, or impoverished. Under the scheme, we provide financial support for 2,000 Baht per person every month until their last day of life. We also provide food and consumer staples and make a monthly visit.
In addition, we also organize activities for the elderly that create values physically, mentally, and emotionally. In collabouration with local government, the community, and our employees, we organized activities to show respect to the elderly during Songkran Festival, activities to listen to Buddhist sermon, health check-up for the elderly, house cleaning activities, and home repair. In 2022, we supported 338 elderly in total.

In times of crises, emergencies or natural disasters, access to food and maintaining nutritional balance play an important part in the survival of people in the society. As a food producer, The Company strives to ensure food access and to assist in providing other survival necessities. Our aim is to help ease difficulties in accessing food and to provide survival kits for the victims.
Moreover, in the situation of COVID-19 outbreak that lasts more than 2 years, the company has continually supported nutritious food for the victims of the situation through the CPF's Food from the Heart against COVID-19 Project and Krua Pan Im Project, and many more to over 1.4 million people and over THB 168 million in 2021 for Thailand operations.