CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
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Continuously develop and achieve business growth goals and fulfill the commitment to sustainable long-term value. Go with all stakeholders.
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The company is still working hard to raise its competitive edge. For continued growth
CPF and Sustainability
To strengthen capacity and growth opportunities while creating shared value with diverse stakeholder groups.
CPF and Sustainability
CPF drives innovation to create business excellence while simultaneously making sustainability for a better world for our future generations, under the strategy of "Sustainovation".
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At present, the world is advancing in terms of technology and knowledge while consumer needs are also changing as the society changes. These have led to increased competition in the market. The Company must not cease to develop products and improve processes in response to the needs of customers and consumers. This can thus contribute to sustainable growth of the organization.

One of our basic values (CPF Way) is innovativeness. We ensure that our organizational culture provides employees with opportunities to be innovative. Through training programs, employees are encouraged to develop new ideas that could be enhanced and developed further during work processes or as products in order to simplify work processes, increase speed, and ensure high quality, safe, and tasty products for customers and consumers at affordable price.

In 2021, CPF established “CPF Committee and Working Group for Innovation Mobilization and Efficiency Development” and also applied the global innovation management standard: ISO56002 while focusing on research and development of six major technologies and innovations as shown in the picture below. CPF is aiming to be a systematic innovative organization, increase revenue and work efficiency, reduce costs throughout the value chain, and create a culture of continuous improvement for personnel at all levels.

The Committee implements tasks under four main objectives as follows:

  1. To become the innovative organization – creating an atmosphere and support all employees to explore and create innovative projects that can be applied in the organization and lead to development and production of new products and services.
  2. To leverage innovations for driving business – driving CPF’s businesses and operations to achieve highest efficiency by using modern technologies and innovations.
  3. To build a global innovation network and ecosystem – gathering CPF’s knowledge, experts and innovations, as well as creating cooperation in innovation development among organizations in the network.
  4. To be a corporation for professionals and talents – becoming an institution embracing talents and good people by developing personnel skills to ensure their qualities and abilities that meet requirements of today's business and the tech world, as well as attracting experts and talents to join the organization for further organizational development.

Cooperation for Innovation

CPF Food Research and Development Center has cooperated with a wide range of sectors domestically and internationally to conduct research and development of food innovations that meet requirements of the economic, social and environmental sectors, which include:

  • The public sector, including government agencies, and educational units and hospitals.
  • The private sector, including Proveg Asia, Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit and Corporate Spark 2021.
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