To push forward an effective business operation from the strategic level to the operational level, the CEO requires that all departments follow CPF Safety Health Environment & Energy (CPF SHE&En) Policy and Standard. The CPF SHE&En Management Committee was established with three levels of management:
Corporate Level: CEO is the chairman of CPF SHE&En Management Committee, and the Chief Operating Officers of all business units are committee members to ensure that governance and management conform to CPF SHE&En Policy and Standard including setting corporate annual and long-term targets.
Business Line Level: The Business Line SHE&En Committee consists of executives from the business line. This committee has the responsibility to develop operating practices according to CPF’s SHE&En Policy and Standard.
Site Level: The Site SHE&En Committee consists of the management and operating officers. Its responsibility is to ensure strict implementation of policies, standards and operating practices in their work.
In addition, SHE&En Management Committee also established the Environmental Sustainability Sub-Committee representing senior executives of each business line. The sub-committee is responsible for supporting, monitoring for energy, greenhouse gases, water and waste management, and bi-annually reporting progress to the SHE&En Management committee and the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Committee.
In 2023, the Company did not incur any significant fines (> USD $10,000) related to environmental or ecological issues. This remains similar to the past 4 fiscal years.
Environmental management systems
CPF implemented environmental management system guided by CPF SHE&En Policy and Standard. Internal audit against CPF SHE&En Standard is conducted by our SHE&En specialist from SHE&En office at least annually at each operating site. Third-party audit against SHE&En Standard is also conducted along with internal audit to ensure the compliance and credible management system. For example by SGS, BSi and Socotec. Moreover, CPF also certify our environmental management system according to international standards including ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO45001.

Example of ISO 14001 and ISO45001 Certificate issued by specialized third-party companies

CPF SHE&En Standard Certificate issued by specialized third-party companies.

CPF SHE&En Standard used for internal audit