CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
Business Overview Staff Login
CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
Corporate Governance
Continuously develop and achieve business growth goals and fulfill the commitment to sustainable long-term value. Go with all stakeholders.
our mision
Message to Shareholders
The company is still working hard to raise its competitive edge. For continued growth
CPF and Sustainability
To strengthen capacity and growth opportunities while creating shared value with diverse stakeholder groups.
CPF and Sustainability
CPF drives innovation to create business excellence while simultaneously making sustainability for a better world for our future generations, under the strategy of "Sustainovation".
Media Center
Discover our latest news, covering sustainability, innovations, industry news and more
Media Center
Media Center
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CPF is committed to conduct business ethically and in compliance with applicable laws of every country in which we operate. In addition, we have a broad set of various policies and principles in place that guide us in everything we do and lay the strong foundation for sustainable growth.
Coporate Governance
Personal Data Protection Policy
Global Vision for Antimicrobial
Sustainability Policy
Code of Conduct
Tax Policy
Human Rights Policy
Employment and Labour Management Policy
Foreign Worker Recruitment in Thailand
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Health and Nutrition Policy
CPF Healthier Choice Principles
CPF Quality Policy
CPF Food Traceability Policy
Animal Welfare Policy
Genetically Modified Oraganisms Policy
Sustainable Sourcing Policy and Supplier Guiding Principle
CPF Supply Chain ESG Management Approach
Sustainable Packaging Policy and Principle Based on Circular Economy Concept
Safety, Health, Environment, and Energy Vision, Mission, and Policy
Food Loss and Food Waste Policy
CPF Fishmeal Sourcing Restrictions
Biodiversity and Zero Deforestation Commitment
Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking
Compensation and Benefits Policy and Principle
Announcement on the Use of Refrigerants in Businesses in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC
Announcement on the Implementation of Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP)
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