CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF and Sustainability
CPF operates its business on the principle of Corporate Social Responsibility towards Sustainability under 3 pillars - “Food Security, Self-Sufficient Society and Balance of Nature”
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We are committed to supporting and contributing to continuous driving positive changes in the industry and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) together with our network partners both nationally and internationally.

United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) and Global Compact Network Thailand (GCNT)

We joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) and committed to conduct business in line with the 10 international principles of the UN Global Compact. In addition, we are one of the 15 founding member organizations of the Global Compact Network Thailand to drive the Thai business sector to realize the importance of doing business in accordance with the aforementioned principles.

Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable (TSFR)

We collaborate with the Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable (TSFR) in the name of Thai Feed Mill Association to drive the Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for trawler fishing in both the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. The aim is to appropriately and sustainably elevate fishery standards in accordance with the international level of standard namely MarinTrust Standard (Or as known by IFFO RS) for multispecies in the region. The collaboration has started since 2013 by conducting Gap Analysis and Pre-Assessment to analyze the present practices of Thai fishery and preparing a Fishery Action Plan (FAP). The FAP had submitted to the process to receive an approval by the Governing Body Committee (GBC) of MarinTrust. In November 2020, the FAP has been approved into the MarinTrust Improver Program (IP).
At present, the activities were carried out as planned on the FAP. TSFR received the budget of more than 6 million baht to supporting the research by Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization) for the first year of the activities. The activities are carrying from 2021 – 2023 (3 years plan) to conduct on the 3 activities which are:
  • Analysis and assessment on the changing of aqua Livestock by trawler fishing in the Gulf of Thailand.
  • Biodiversity and environmental impacts by trawler fishing in the Gulf of Thailand.
  • Analysis on the trawler fishing areas in the Gulf of Thailand.
  • The TFSR consists of eight associations which are stakeholders across the Thai seafood industry supply chain from upstream to downstream namely the National Fisheries Association of Thailand, Thai Overseas Fisheries Association, Thai Fishmeal Association, Thai Feed Mill Association, Thai Food Processors’ Association, Thai Shrimp Association, Thai Frozen Food Association and Thai Tuna Industry Association. (Additional information is available at http://www.tsfr.in.th/)

    Vung Tau Round Table of Fishmeal Producers and Feed Manufacturers Working Group (VRFF)

    We have built on our success and transferred knowledge obtained from the implementation of Thailand’s trawl fishery improvement and development project. CPF has also driven an aggregation of animal feed manufacturers, fish meal manufacturers, and civil society and public sector institutions to implement a project to improve and develop fisheries (Fishery Action Plan: FAP) in Baria-Vung Tau province, to ensure sustainability and solve problems related to Vietnam's fishing industry’s illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU Fishing) in order to be de-listed from the yellow card status issued by the European Union.

    In 2021, the Working Group developed the Fishery Action Plan (FAP) based on the MarinTrust standard. The FAP was submitted to review and was approved by the MarinTrust’s Governing Body Committee (GBC) for the Improver Program (IP) certification process in December 2021. (Additional information is available at: https://www.marin-trust.com/vung-tau-trawl-fip-vietnam-part-multispecies-pilot)

    Collaboration with Local Fishmeal Producers in the waters of Goa and Maharashta in India

    CPF has collaborated with the fishmeal plant partner, Omega Fishmeal and Oil Private Limited, to implement the Indian Oil Sardine - purse seine fishing in the waters of Goa and Maharashta FIP project to address the problem of declining aquatic life in Indian waters, especially the Indian Oil Sardine. It is a model of sustainability in the Indian fishing and fishmeal industry, covering responsible fisheries development and production of quality, transparent and traceable fish meal based on the MarinTrust standard.
    The Working Group presented the Fishery Action Plan (FAP) for review which was approved by the MarinTrust’s Governing Body Committee (GBC) for the Improver Program (IP) certification process in October 2019. The activities were carried out as planned in Year 2, and have a plan to expand the FAP to cover more areas in India.

    Seafood Task Force

    We collaborate with the Seafood Task Force to drive social and environmental changes in the Thai seafood industry. We support constitution of sustainable and transparent supply chain together with eradicating human rights issues and human trafficking from the Thai fishery industry. To achieve this, we support the use of legal fishery equipment which lessens negative biodiversity impacts from overfishing and enhances efficiency of the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) to prevent Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU Fishing).
    CPF has supported STF's operations in the development and drafting of Labour Practices, Environmental Protocol and raw material traceability guidelines that comply with international standards, all of which are used as a central standard of practice and assessment of members. CPF also signed a Membership Agreement in November 2020, and has continuously driven reforms of legal and regulatory frameworks for the seafood industry, working on labour and environmental issues at the national level with the Thai government.
    With the collaboration between the Company and the Department of Fisheries, the Seafood Task Force has been established since July 2014 with more than 50 associations in the Task Force, including members from major buyers and retailers from USA, Canada, Europe and other countries around the world, major food processing plants in Thailand, cold storage operators and shrimp feed producers, international non-government organizations, accredited certification bodies, the public and private sectors, representative fishermen, and commercial vessel owners. (Additional information is available at https://www.seafoodtaskforce.global/)

    The Fishermen Life Enhancement Center (FLEC), Songkla Province

    The Fishermen Life Enhancement Center (FLEC) has been established to eradicate illegal fishery labor in vessels as well as leveraging quality of life of fishery laborers and their families. The FLEC provides assistance for victims of human trafficking and knowledge for fishery laborers, and builds thought leaders, to prevent enticement into slave labor. Additionally, vocational training areas for women and learning classrooms for preschoolers have also been provided.
    CPF and four other organizations namely the Fish Market Organization of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand Under the Patronage of HRH the Princess Mother, and Stella Maris Seafarers Center Songkhla co-founded the FLEC in 2016.

    In 2021, we continually support with budgets and the activities to FLEC as the second phase for 5 years from 2021 – 2025. We cooperate together with 4 original organization and 2 new organization namely, PTT Glbal Chemical Public Company Limited and G.E.P.P. SA-ARD Company Limited, to cover the cooperation on eliminating marine debris as a model of environmental management, for example, collecting data and managing marine debris comprehensively at ports and sea (Closing the Loop) and waste management and waste value added in accordance with the principles of circular economy. The activities also include developing a project or activity that will create jobs to fishery laborers and their families.

    Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS)

    The Company is a signatory to the Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship or SeaBOS to take part in protecting the oceans, natural resources and marine environment at the international level. The aim of the collaboration is to preserve biodiversity and sustainably produce high quality seafood to consumers with responsibility. The mutual agreement to apply international regulations throughout the supply chain has been set. The agreement also includes aspects such as legal fishery promotion, eradication of illegal labor, traceability system development, no antibiotics use, and GHG emissions and plastic use reduction. We will achieve these through co-investment in technology research and development.
    The SeaBOS was initiated by Stockholm University, Sweden, in collaboration with ten seafood industrial operators, whose market value accounts for 80 percent of the global seafood market. These companies recognize the significance to marine resource security and abundance.
    In 2021, CPF has a role as a supporter of the anti-microbial resistance (AMR) working group which is one of the six working group of SeaBOS. Our representative shared our experiences and practices in the implementation of the anti-microbial resistance (AMR) in CPF businesses to set a working plan and a Code of Conduct on responsible use of the AMR and to enhance the sustainable food safety standard in aquaculture production industry. In addition, CPF demonstrated that our businesses operations have no connection to illegal fishing and forced labor which is in line with the agreement of the corporate members of the partnership. (Additional information is available at https://seabos.org/)

    Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST)

    We participated in the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GSDT) to support traceability throughout the seafood supply chain. Having registered as a participant in and engaging with the GSDT support the Company in more sustainable and international traceability management of seafood products.

    In the past year, GDST announced the completion of the standard and traceability system (GDST 1.0 Standard) and made it public in March 2020, and has continued to work on defining the framework through a working group established as well as discussing relevant issues with various sectors throughout the seafood industry supply chain. CPF plays a key role in leading the working group and a pilot test of the GDST traceability system throughout the shrimp supply chain covering fishing boats, fishmeal plants, animal feed factories, breeding farms, farms and shrimp processing plants.

    Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI)

    The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative: GSSI (GSSI) is the international organization that promotes the certification of seafood chain to ensure equitable standards benchmarked against those set by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Moreover, GSSI also focuses on adding other standards in terms of production processes, environment and labour issues, which are important issues for which customers regularly require inspection before trading (Additional information is available at https://www.ourgssi.org/)

    At present, GSSI is widely recognized, which can be seen from the list of more than 70 members representing leading buyers and manufacturers worldwide. Since 2019, CPF has been the member of GSSI and provided opinions on the development of standards in accordance with the context of the business sector and in respect of the country.

    Food Reform for Sustainability and Health: FReSH

    Charoen Pokphand Group, led by CPF, is one of the 35 world’s leading companies to conduct the “Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH)” Project. There are five key topics tasked in the Project, which are health and sustainable diet, food production, food consumption, food loss and waste, and performance and reporting.

    The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and EAT Foundation co-established the FResH to create a society with sustainable nutritious production and consumption. (Additional information is available at https://www.wbcsd.org/Programs/Food-and-Nature/Food-Land-Use/FReSH)
    In 2021, CPF jointly established the Responsible Meat Initiative (ReMI) sub-working group under the Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH). The members include over than 14 leading organizations worldwide, which have a collective goal to promote responsible protein production and consumption throughout the food value chain in eleven aspects. And four of these eleven aspects are directly related to responsible animal farming, namely animal welfare, antimicrobial intervention and animal health, animal nutrition and demand for responsibly produced pork. (Additional information is available at https://responsiblemeat.org/)
    In addition, CPF joined the “Positive Consumption” working group under the Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) Project in 2021, with the goals of jointly contributing to good nutrition, reducing environmental impact and conducting responsible marketing communications throughout the food industry’s value chain. (Additional information is available at https://www.wbcsd.org/Programs/Food-and-Nature/Food-Land-Use/FReSH/Positive-Consumption)

    Sustainable Fisheries Research and Development Institute (SFRD)

    The Sustainable Fisheries Research and Development Institute (SFRD) was established to improve the fisheries sector covering natural fishing, aquaculture and aquaculture processing towards sustainability through research, development, linkage and fulfillment of missions or activities in fisheries management, aquatic resource management, fisheries model development, implementing projects and expanding project scopes to communities, all of which are implemented in collaboration with the public sector, the private sector, organizations involved in fisheries and downstream industries, civil society, educational institutions and experts.

    CPF’s representatives have joined the Sustainable Fisheries Research and Development Institute (SFRD) and supported the implementation of marine debris management pilot project. The project grew out of the “Catch the Trash Project” which, since July 2018, has been implemented by CPF in collaboration with associations/organizations related to fisheries and downstream industries, educational institutions and civil society to promote, among fishermen, reducing dumping of wastes at sea and collecting wastes from fishing activities, including consumer waste on board and waste attached to fishing gears back to shore.

    Thailand Responsible Business Network: TRBN

    The Company collaborated with the “Thailand Responsible Business Network (TRBN)” to create positive changes in Thailand. The collaboration covers three key topics which are low pollution business, equal opportunity business, and good governance business. Activities under this collaboration include raising awareness of business responsibility for Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) which we have been a part of in circular economy and climate change topics.

    The TRBN consists of nine organizations including the Securities and Exchange Commission, Stock Exchange of Thailand, Federation of Capital Market Organizations, Thai Listed Companies Association, Government Pension Fund, Global Compact Network Thailand, Social Enterprise Thailand, SB Thailand and Thailand Institute of Directors. It is a network under the Promoting Good Governance Stock Market Project to celebrate the Royal Coronation Ceremony of King Rama X.
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