CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF believes that its participation in regulatory advocacy contributes to sustainability advancement in agro-industrial and food industry in ways that enhance the Company’s competitive edge in national and international markets. It is one of our responsibilities to the society and the countries in which we operate to assist more informed decision-making on the development of policies, laws, and regulations. It is also a way to promote sustainable development. We regularly participate as an individual company and through industry associations and trade associations, such as Thai Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Thai Industries, in forms of membership fee and support of other activities. In 2023, we contributed 8,268,738 Baht to those organizations.
1. Contributions and other Spending
2020 (Baht) 2021 (Baht) 2022 (Baht) 2023 (Baht)
Lobbying, interest representation or similar 0 0 0 0
Local, regional or national political campaigns / organizations / candidates 0 0 0 0
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g. think tanks) 7,604,842 6,515,265 8,080,204 8,268,738
Other (e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums) 0 0 0 0
Total contributions and other spending 7,604,842 6,515,265 8,080,204 8,268,738
2. 2023 Top three largest contributions and expenditures
Associations/ Institutions Descriptions THB
1 Thai Broiler Processing Exporters Association Thai Broiler Processing Exporters Association was established in 1991 to act as a regulating and service agency for the large number of Thai chicken meat producers and exporters. All of the association's members are leading Thai producers and exporters with decades of proven track record in the chicken industry. Thai Broiler Processing Exporters Association is well recognized as premium grade chicken product supplier to customers throughout the world, including Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Middle East Countries, EU countries, South Africa and others.Visit http://www.thaipoultry.org/?p=about&lang=EN for more information. 4,319,046
2 Thai Feed Mill Association (TFMA) Thai Feed Mill Association (TFMA) is a private non-profit organization. It was founded by a group of entrepreneurs, who have realized the importance of developing collaboration among livestock sectors in Thailand. Starting as a grouping, it was registered under the Trade Association Act, B.E. 2509 as Thai Feed Mill Association (TFMA) on December 25th, 1978. Its main objective is to assist members in solving problems affecting feed and livestock businesses. Visit http://www.thaifeedmill.org/ for more information. 2,657,489
3 Federation of Thai Industries Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I.) is the private sector administrative juristic person to serve as the core organization and also as the center for all Thai industries in the kingdom of Thailand. It is a non-profit organization with the main duties of promoting and supporting the industry focusing on developing sustainable growth for all industrial operations in the country. F.T.I. is the core center in the following four areas: Centre of industrial co-operation among and with private sector and government sector in Thailand and abroad, Service center for all industrial developments, Activities center for all industrial operators, and Problem-solving center for all industrial enterprises in the kingdom, both member and non-members regardless of sizes and types. Visit: https://www.fti.or.th/ for more information. 268,776
CPF has collaborated with relevant associations/ institutions with the purpose of bringing changes for the better society through influencing policy and/ or law makers. As a vertically integrated agro-industrial and food business in animal proteins, we put high emphasis on development and promotion of sustainable production, by primarily focusing on sustainable livestock and aquaculture supply chains, which are directly linked to our core business. Key initiatives that were supported by CPF in 2023 are as follows:
  • Thai Livestock and Aquatic Consortium for Sustainable Development:
    As part of Thai Livestock and Aquatic Consortium (TLAC) consortium and the leader, CPF initiates many sustainable development projects, which focus on GHG reduction in Thai Livestock and Aquatic Supply Chain by 2040 that can contribute to country Net-Zero emissions commitment. One of profound collaborations is Thai Livestock Technical Consortium for Climate Neutrality (LCCN) with King Mongkut’s University of Technology. The operational phrases consist of setting baseline, LCA analysis, Gas Chromatography to capture the amount of GHGs gas from livestock activities and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology. The collaboration helps CPF to secure the competitive edge and prepare for the future stringent regulations.
    In 2023, a working group on maize started to measure its GHG emissions in both planting seasons: raining and dry, to find out the average emission numbers. Two locations are used for the project, one in Lopburi and the other in Chainat, both of which belong to Charoen Pokphand Produce's contract farmers. Another working group is for Fishmeal from appointed five factories. An in-dept interview and data analysis have been conducted. In parallel, method of GHG calculation has been advised to relevant staffers of each factory. Analysis of GHG emissions has to be finalized prior to starting discussion on mitigation in July 2024
  • MarinTrust, the global marine ingredient standard for responsible supply (formerly IFFO RS):
    Collaboration with MarinTrust, the global marine ingredient standard for responsible supply (formerly IFFO RS): Southeast Asia region, has a variety of aquatic animals and mixed trawl fisheries which are not only more complex and difficult to manage than single-species fisheries but also there is no sustainable fishery standard that is fitting for. The launching of the MarinTrust standard, an international program for marine ingredient certification or formerly IFFO Global Standard for Responsible Supply (IFFO RS), will allow feed production companies to source fishmeal sustainably. Moreover, the standard is potentially used as references for setting Thai fishing policy in the future.
    We support the issue through being a member of Thai Feed Mill Association and a founder of Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable (TSFR). CPF has initiated the Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) on trawl fisheries along the coasts of Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea in collaboration with MarinTrust. FIP in the Gulf of Thailand is to develop assessment guidelines for mixed trawl fisheries management, the first ever sustainable fishery standard and applicable to the Southeast Asia. The guidelines are currently used for the implementation of the FIP on trawl fishery in Vietnam.
    In 2023 TSFR developed a Fishery Action Plan. The Plan has been verified by the assessor after stakeholders' hearing. Thereafter, four fish meal factories have been certified by Marin Trust, confirming their ability to produce sustainable material in line with international standards of social and environmental responsibilities.
    TSFR supports a grant for research of fisheries risks in ecosystem and endangered species with Agricultural Research and Development Agency (ARDA). It also has close cooperation with the Department of Fisheries to develop sustainable fishery policy related to research to establish Thai trawl fisheries guidelines to be in line with international standards and recognized by world community.
3. 2023 Public Policy Engagement and Trade Association Membership - Climate Alignment
With the intensifying climate physical and transition impacts worldwide and the increasing aspiration of all stakeholders to transition towards low carbon society, CPF recognizes the imperative of climate actions, hence, sets our corporate position on public policy engagement and trade association membership across all jurisdictions that we have operations, to be in line with Paris agreement which aims to limit global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius, while pursuing efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees.
CPF has in place the management and governance structure and process on public policy engagement and trade association membership to support transition towards low carbon society, with Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as the highest management position who is responsible for determining the engagement direction and monitoring the results. Executives from related functions are involved in the consideration of CPF participation, determination of roles and approaches, participation in engagement and reporting the results to the CEO on regular basis.
CPF regularly reviews and monitors the status of public policy engagement and trade association membership to align with environmental impact mitigation especially on GHG emission reduction. In case the trade association’s position on climate change misaligns with ours, further engagement will be conducted to steer their positions to be in line with CPF in order to move towards a low carbon society. This will accelerate the accomplishment of the Company’s, the country’s, and the World’s journey to low carbon with equipped governmental and private climate instrument.
Associations/ Institutes Description
1 The Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) CPF Commits to Net-zero across the value chain by 2050 and is the first food processing company in the world with near- and long-term FLAG Science Based Targets validated by the SBTi. We are also among the first companies to set specific targets relating to forests, land and agriculture (FLAG). With 2020 as the base year, CPF commits to 42% reduction and 90% reduction of all 3 scopes of greenhouse gas non-FLAG emissions by 2030 and 2050, respectively. We further commit to 30.3% reduction and 72% reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas FLAG emissions by 2030 and 2050, respectively. We also commit to zero deforestation across our primary deforestation-linked commodities by the fiscal year 2025.
2 Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) workstream under World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) A global collective work of members on progressive business solutions to transform the food and agricultural systems, to achieve regenerative and equitable food systems. The Company is an active member in Agriculture & Food Pathway working group, which focuses on driving for greenhouse gas emission through innovation, positive agriculture, and sustainable diets. WBCSD regularly engages and contributes to policy-makers discussion, representing the private sectors’ interests in driving global climate actions.
3 UN Global Compact Network Thailand (GCNT) CPF is a co-founder to the local network of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the network works together to align strategies and drive operations to realize societal sustainability goals, with an environmental focus area on climate change. The network allows exchanges of best practices and opportunities to jointly drive for private-public sector commitment in pursuing Thailand’s net zero goal. It regularly works with governmental agencies to represent private sector’s interests relating to ESG.
4 SeaBOS Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) initiative is a cross-sector collaboration within the global seafood industry, involving nine of the world’s largest seafood companies, working with experts to achieve sustainable seafood production, healthy ocean and reduction of GHG emissions. The initiative works across multi-dimensions through task forces. One of which is climate resilience, which focuses on emission reduction in line with scientific targets, innovates operations and supply chain, as well as reports the results in public domain.
5 Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) GSSI is the global public-private multi-stakeholder partnership between leading companies, (representing the entire seafood value chain) NGOs, and governmental and inter-governmental organizations including the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It aims to promote improvement in certified seafood by operating a global benchmark tool with transparency aligns with FAO guidelines. The initiative enables exchanges and joint efforts as seafood sector works togethers a low carbon and sustainable future through climate resilience building and climate mitigation activities.
6 U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) CPF representative from Trade Rules and Regulations Monitoring Office, serving as Sustainable Livestock Office Manager, Thai Feed Mill Association (TFMA), coordinates with U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) to stress the importance of GHG measurement and reduction in soy plantation affecting supply chain in Thai Livestock businesses. TFMA and USSEC have developed cooperation and signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) on March 22, 2024 to exchange knowledge and information on sustainable feed raw materials production and low greenhouse gas emissions.
7 Thailand Supply Chain Network (TSCN) CPF, along with the other 8 leading private companies, founded Thailand Supply Chain Network in 2019 with the aim to establish intercorporate collaboration among entrepreneurs to exchange information, knowledge and experience. The network supports Thai business in adhering to sustainable business practice throughout the entire supply chain, domestic or overseas. CPF is active in Sustainability and Circular Economy working, which has a strong emphasis on integration of ESG framework, the transition to become a low-carbon economy, and monitoring of emerging regulations. The Network regularly provides opportunities for members to exchange, engage and contribute to climate action-related policy drafting.
8 TIPMSE Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE) is an organization founded by corporate members and associations under Federation of Thai Industries to reduce amount of used packaging in waste countrywide. The network promotes appropriate management system for used packaging and recycled materials. By ensuring packaging waste is managed and recycled effectively, enabling circular economy, this helps reduce emissions associated in a packaging lifecycle.
9 The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking (Board of Trade of Thailand, Federation of Thai Industries, Thai Bankers’ Association) CPF advisor and representative from Trade Rules and Regulations Monitoring Office, on behalf of Board of Trade of Thailand, participate in Committee on Climate Change. The committee is responsible for establishing proposals for private sector in monitoring and driving policies in support of Thailand and private sector GHG reduction. Those include opinion provision for Climate Change Act and relevant measures.
10 The Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand CPF representative from World Trade Regulations Office is designated by The Thai Chamber of Commerce as a main contributor to agricultural GHG reduction. The representative also serves as a sub-committee on climate change policy for Thailand agricultural sector, aiming to establish Thailand’s National Determined Contributions (NDCs). The sub-committee aims to uplift the understanding of GHG reduction in upstream value chain through the arrangement of training and seminar for the chamber members and farmers.
The sub-committee wishes to Uplift understanding of GHG reduction in upstream value chain through arrangement of training and seminar for the chamber members and farmers.
11 The Federation of Thai Industries CPF representative from Trade Rules and Regulations Monitoring Office participates in the Committee on Promotion and Support of GHG Reduction in Industrial Sectors. The committee is designated to jointly define appropriate measures to enhance capability of industries, so that federation members, especially Food and Beverages Industrial Clubs, have better understanding of tangible GHG reduction through the cooperation with Thailand GHG Management Organization.
12 Thai Feed Mill Association CPF designates advisor (President of the Association) to drive sustainable development policy. This includes:
1. Creating collaboration among related sectors to achieve GHG reduction of 3 feed raw materials namely maize, casava, and rice
- Department of Agriculture (for maize and cassava): The association assigns the advisor to participate in determining project content with the Department.
- National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA): The assessment of sustainability of maize cultivation and GHG emissions.
2. Establishing Sustainable Livestock Office in the Association with a representative from the Trade Regulations Monitoring Office acting as the office manager.
13 Thai Broiler Processing Exporters Association CPF advisor, posted as the President of Thai Feed Mill Association, calls for support from executives of Thai Broiler Processing Exporters Association to fund research projects:
1. Project on Environmental Assessment of Maize Plantation in Chiang Mai and
2. GHG Reduction in Livestock Supply Chain (GHG Measurement in Maize Plantation)
14 Federation of Livestock and Aquaculture (comprising 15 associations) The uplift of knowledge and understanding of the Federation members were arranged via communications and activities such as Workshop on Thai Livestock towards Net-zero Emission.
15 Thai AEO Importer & Exporter Association CPF advisor, as the President of the Association, continually raises awareness of carbon and arranges related activities among its members
16 Walmart’s Project Gigaton CP Foods Product Inc., a subsidiary of CPF, is part of the Project Gigaton launched by Walmart in 2017. The project allows engagement on climate actions among suppliers, NGOs and other stakeholders, with the aim to reduce or avoid one billion metric tons (a gigaton) of greenhouse gases from the global value chain by 2030. CPF has received recognition ‘Merchandising Impact Award of Sustainability’ from Walmart Annual Supplier Growth Forum 2023, in recognition of the sustainability efforts.
17 ESG Network Listed companies join hands as ESG Network, creating a space of learning and exchanges on ESG framework, as well as support the integration of sustainability into business operations. Private sector can collaborate with civil society and public sector to drive positive impacts and sustainability nation-wide. ESG Network works closely with Stock Exchange of Thailand and other governmental agencies to contribute opinions and feedback proposed regulatory directions.
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