CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
CPF and Sustainability
To strengthen capacity and growth opportunities while creating shared value with diverse stakeholder groups.
CPF and Sustainability
CPF drives innovation to create business excellence while simultaneously making sustainability for a better world for our future generations, under the strategy of "Sustainovation".
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The Company established the Safety, Health, Environment, and Energy Policy & Standard (CPF SHE&En Policy & Standard) which consists of technical standards that focus on increasing the water efficiency within the Company through the 3Rs principle (Reduce Reuse Recycle) and managing water discharge. These enables minimization of impacts on communities and ecosystems and mitigation of water shortage risks in operations and communities.
Increased Water Efficiency within the Company
The Company is committed to use water efficiently and reduce the reliance on external water sources, in order to be prepared against any risks of drought that may occur in the future. The Company promotes water efficiency improvement through the 3Rs principle, including Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Additionally, the Company collects data of total water withdrawal and consumption, as well as water withdrawal from water-stressed areas. This enables the Company to monitor the water usage status. In 2023, the Company has recycled and reused 19.5% of the total water withdrawal, as a result of the investment in water management technology and management measures to reduce reliance on water from external sources.
Pre-discharge Wastewater Management
The Company inspects and monitors the quality of treated wastewater prior to discharge externally in accordance with legal requirements and CPF SHE&En Standard. The Company also identifies the sensitive water bodies (Sensitive Reception) to avoid impacts on communities and ecosystems, e.g. conserved water sources, water sources declared as controlled sources, or water sources that are important to the community. The quality of external water sources is regularly inspected and monitored. In addition, the Company implemented the Zero Discharge Project in several animal farms to mitigate environmental impacts and utilize treated water for other purposes, e.g. watering green areas in farms and factories.
2023 Performance
Awareness Raising within the Company
The Company commits to raising employee’s awareness on the importance of water stewardship, guidelines for water conservation, drought response plan, and approaches for employee participation. This has been achieved through ESG Fundamental Training Program for employees, aiming to help employees understand the impacts that may occur. This leads to conscious water usage with considerations of the surrounding community and society’s needs.
Engaging with Stakeholders on Water Management
Employee Capacity Building through “Water Footprint Assessment” Program
CPF organized an online training program “Water Footprint Assessment” with objectives to raise awareness in water management and promote understanding in principles importance and processes in water footprint assessment in line with CPF SHE&En Standard, in order to be applied across CPF operations. The program covered current situation in water management, general knowledge on water footprint assessment and step-by-step water footprint assessment process. The target audience included management and employees involved in CPF SHE&En Standard implementation. In 2022, 63 participants have joined this program.
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