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CP Foods’ compartment model to protect “Avian Influenza”
07 Oct 2019
CP Foods’ compartment model to protect “Avian Influenza”

Bangkok, October 7, 2019 – CP Foods’ compartment model has successfully restrained Avian Influenza (AI) as one of a strong practice. The World Organization of Animal Health will raise Thailand and CP Foods as a model to encourage bird flu free in the region.


CP Foods was the first Thai company that applied the compartmentalization principles of OIE as part of a key measure to shield Thailand against bird flu virus successfully. The proactive measures of principles comprised common biosecurity management, notifiable Avian Influenza (NAI) surveillance in compartment and buffer zone, control measures of NAI in compartment and buffer zone and traceability system. In addition, the principles have been implemented on buffer zone of one kilometer around farm to ensure distinct health status.


Dr.Payungsak Somyanontanakul (DVM), vice president and head of Animal Welfare Committee of CP Foods, said the company has implemented the compartmentalization system which strongly prevent the Avian Influenza particularly broiler chicken and duck integration. It also guarantees food safety of consumers since the flu virus wider spread in Thailand in 2004. Moreover, it has joined hands with the Department Livestock Development (DLD) to develop risk analysis for bird flu in line with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). The practice was drawn to ensure precisely disease assessment.


“Despite without certification, former EU Commissioners, representatives of World Health Organization, OIE and other health organizations have praised CP Foods’ compartment procedures that supported national bird flu free strategies and ensuring our CP Foods Products free from bird flu. Thailand was also a pilot country in the region to launch OIE compartmentalization and successfully established to control avian influenza,” stressed Dr.Payungsak.


With the compartmentalization, it encourages traceability practices throughout the supply chain. The company also further develops the compartment system to prevent “emerging disease” in poultry farm to serve of international trade.


For sustainable biosecurity, CP Foods has also promoted the compartment system to its contracted farmers which they will be trained by veterinarian and experts from DLD.


Dr, Payungsak added that OIE representatives recently visited the company from feed mill to processing plant in Nakhon Ratchasima to learn more on CP Foods’ successful compartment model. They will raise this model as a case study in the South-East Asia workshop on compartmentalization organized by OIE. The workshop is drawn to establish poultry disease free, particularly avian influenza in the region.


So far, CP Foods has extended the system to create higher quality meat through “Benja Chicken”, which is not only implemented compartmentalization but also raised without antibiotic. This premium product is raised to serve health conscious consumers.   

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