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CP Foods steps forward on renewable energy to conserve environment and sustainable green business
12 May 2021
CP Foods steps forward on renewable energy to conserve environment and sustainable green business

Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (CP Foods) integrates all renewable energy model at factories and farms as part of its plan to reduce greenhouse gas emission (GHG) of more than 575,000 tons CO2 equivalent last year by maximizing efficiency the use of all resources to achieve green business sustainability.


Mr. Charubutr Kirdudom, Assistant Vice President– Safety Health Environment and Energy of CP Foods, said CP Foods puts in priority place on alleviating environmental impacts which directly affect to climate change. So that, the company has laid down business plan to conserve environment in all aspects by applying “Circular Economy” to increase efficiency in its processing lines, promoting renewable energy, environmental-saved package, well-managed logistic system, food loss and food waste, increasing green area in factory and farm areas as well as stepping toward on reforestation both watershed and mangrove area. These are key supporting factors to encourage CP Foods to achieve GHG reduction target by 25% by 2025 compared with based year in 2015.


The installation of renewable energy is part of CP Foods’ mission to encourage global policy on GHG reduction. The company has appropriately managed to embrace Bio Mass, Biogas, Solar Rooftop and Solar Cell in its integrated agro-business operation. Last year, the company’s renewable usage accounted for 26% of its total energy consumption, which helped decrease GHG of 575,000 tons CO2 equivalent.


CP Foods has seriously considered in selecting renewable energy to match with the business and location. For instance, the company has introduced bio mass energy in its livestock and aquaculture feed mills by using wood scrap, saw dust and corn cob as a fuel to replace charcoal for the steam boiler. Last year, the use of bio mass energy reached 1.77 million gigajoules and it plan to terminate charcoal by 2022.


The biogas energy, derives from manure and waste water treatment, has come out with gas to generate electricity to use in farm and factory. So far, the company’s business in Thailand including all swine farms, seven egg complexes, food processing plant Nhong Chok in Thailand have already established biogas. The company also supported 96% of its contracted farmer to implement biogas system to reduce production cost. In addition, CP Foods have continuously promoted such renewable energy to its overseas investment in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Last year, its broiler processing plant in Nakhon Ratchasima also used biogas to generate electricity for steam boiler with a total consumption of 1.04 million gigajoules.


Moreover, CP Foods also installed Solar PV to generate electricity at 26 manufacturing plants comprised feed mill, livestock farm, slaughterhouse, processing plant and distribution centre. The company’s total solar energy achieved 15 megawatts while its consumption reach 0.02 million gigajoules.


“CP Foods’ mission is not only to become food security producer to feed world’s population but also concentrated on operating business with responsibility covering economy, social and environment. These factors are key points to bolster business growth in line with balance of nature throughout its green business sustainability goal,” stressed Mr. Charubutr.


The company’s renewable energy policy is also drawn to serve business partner and consumers’ demand who have focused on products that come from concerned manufacturers on GHG reduction and environmental friendly. Manufacturing sector should adjust the processing line to serve the trend.


Mr. Charubutr added that CP Foods also concerns on GHG reduction in other areas through innovative product development such as innovated feed for pig and laying hen, which help reduce GHG 72,500 tons CO2 equivalent last year. Moreover, the company’s high efficiency logistic system has concentrated from selected location where close to manufacturing plant and customer to shorter distance of transportation and also install information technology management to reduce space in container in each trip. Surplus Food and Food Waste are also the company’s focus to be reduced via Food Rescue project.


CP Foods operates businesses with responsibility and care of environment under three pillars strategy to sustainability comprise food security, sufficient society and balance of nature. Moreover, the company also applies the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The company has also implemented innovation and advanced technologies to development environmental friendly products throughout its processing lines. This is to ensure not only alleviate climate change but also food security./

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