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CP Foods promotes BCG model in egg production turning eggshells into biofertilizer
29 Dec 2022
CP Foods promotes BCG model in egg production turning eggshells into biofertilizer

Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP Foods) showcased the success of “Eggshell Fertilizer for Communities and Farmers in Chaiyaphum Province” initiative as part of the company's waste-to-value program that aims to reduce waste to landfills and greenhouse gas emissions. The result of this program also benefits small-scale farms near its operation. 


CP Foods’ Senior Vice President Chamrat Phettakhu, said the company is committed to driving business operations toward sustainability and creating food security according to the CPF 2030 Sustainability in Action. Employees are encouraged to align with the BCG model (Bio-Circular-Green economy) in order to generate innovations or value-added solutions across the value chain that also deliver positive impact to the community and environment. 

The eggshell fertilizer project for communities and farmers in Chaiyaphum Province, which came from the employee’s initiative to turn manure and eggshells from the company’s hatchery and farm into biofertilizer and reduce the amount of waste going to landfills. The compost was distributed to farmers near the operations to increase their crop yield while lowering production costs.

The project can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills by 370 tons a year, and also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent a year. According to the social impact assessment (SIA), the program helps farmers save their costs, which are equivalent to 325,000 baht.

Mr. Chamrat explained that about 150 tons of biofertilizer from the project were distributed to 60 small-holder farmers, and the local authorities in Chaiyaphum province for use in agriculture in more than 400 rai of area. 

The project works with the Faculty of Agriculture at Khon Kaen University to study fertilizer nutrients. They found that the compost contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, which improves plant yield by approximately 20% more.

In 2023, the company plans to expand the project, aiming to aid more nearby villages. It is expected that there will be around 30 farmers who will benefit from the extended project. In addition, the company will share its expertise with government agencies and those who are interested in organic compost production in a bid to help strengthen the economy in Chaiyaphum Province in accordance with the BCG model.

Tag: #cpf 
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