CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CP Foods named in THSI 2021, moving forwards “CPF 2030 Sustainability in Action”
11 Oct 2021
CP Foods named in THSI 2021, moving forwards “CPF 2030 Sustainability in Action”

Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP Foods) is one among 146 companies has been named in Thailand Sustainability Investment 2021 (THSI) 7 years in a row, reflecting its successful business management in line with social responsibility and sustainable development in all aspects including Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) to create food security, safety and sufficiency to Thai society especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Wutthichai Sithipreedanant, Senior Vice President – Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of CP Foods, said the Company manages the operation through ESG with transparency and accountability to ensure sustainable growth of its revenue. Moreover, the company also has taken care all of stakeholders throughout the supply chain including employees, farmers, business partners and investors. The company’s operation also commits on sustainability in all dimensions in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs) all 17 targets. This practice has created trust both the country and international level. Particularly, CP Foods place important on the highest-level preventive measures against the virus to ensure food safety and sufficiency.

“CP Foods has been listed in THIS for seventh consecutive year in Agriculture and Agro-Industrial category, reflecting its dynamic performance in business development with faster speed to serve with all situations, particularly during the COVID-19. This helps reduce business risks from any external factors in terms of economy, social and environment,” Mr.Wuthichai said.

Mr. Wuthichai added that the company’s successful business towards sustainability in the past years is an important driven engine for the business growth to proceed its new strategy “CPF 2030 Sustainability in Action” throughout the next 10 years (2021-2030). The company is still moved forwards under three pillars strategy comprising food security, self-sufficiency society and balance of nature with nine commitments, including sustainable diet, responsible marketing, animal welfare, and conserve environment by promoting the use of the renewable energy and compostable packaging to achieve “Low Carbon Organization” while encourage ability and experience of employee to upgrade quality of life and strengthen competitiveness through sustainable production and responsible consumption practice.

In 2021, qualified companies named in THSI showed their outstanding performances and plan to curb the COVID-19 crises by considering new normal factors such as Digital Transformation and changing consumption behaviors as emerging risks to adapt the operation and cope with challenging in the future. In addition, the company has also focused on employee’s health and safety to ensure smooth operation and maintained operational efficiency together with supporting society, stakeholder and business partner. They all had outstanding performance on environment and set up quantitative goal and data disclosure on greenhouse gas reduction to reduce climate change impacts as well as help drive the country towards low carbon society goal.

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