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CP Foods continues second phase of The CPF Rak Ni-Ves Project
16 Jul 2021
CP Foods continues second phase of The CPF Rak Ni-Ves Project

Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP FOODS) joins hands with the Royal Forest Department and local communities to continue the CPF Rak Ni-Ves at Phraya Doen Thong Mountain Project phase 2 (2021-2025), in an effort to conserves and restores 7,000 rai of watershed forests. 

The project aims at being model for sustainable forestation that create jobs, good well-being, and food security for the community as well as cultivating CP Foods employees on the importance of forest and biodiversity. 

CP Foods’ Senior Vice President Panuwat Niamprem, s chairman of the project, said that the first phase (2016-2020) has helped to conserve and restore Pasak watershed forest at Phraya Doen Thong Mountain, covering the area of 5,971 rai (955 hectares). The second phase will restore an additional 1,000 rai of forest. The project will also grow approximately more 230,000 plants. Moreover, there will be multiple activities initiated to ensure that the forest is getting towards the full recovery.

Mr. Panuwat explained that the main goal of this new phase is to establish “the Learning Center, a nature's classroom that enable people across the country to learn about conservation, restoration and maintenance of watershed forests

Since 2016, CP Foods has hired residents in the area to look after the forest to promote sustainable coexistence in the community with the forest.


“The pandemic and climate change are challenging factors that everyone can make a contribution to mitigate the impacts. We can plant more trees to increase green areas and allow trees to absorb carbon dioxide. It is a simple and sustainable solution,” Mr. Panuwat said, adding that CP Foods instills the participation of volunteer employees and the community together to rehabilitate the forest as well as invite customers and partners to participate in forest restoration activities.

Mr. Panuwat added that implementation of the second phase will emphasis on building community networks around the forest protection area. This will, in turn, building food security and better quality of life.

The project also encourages the community to grow organic vegetables for their own consumption and sell their produce for extra income as well as established a seed bank based on community wisdom. The seeds will be used for propagation and distribution to villagers. 

The project also initiated Breeding and Larval Rearing of Freshwater Fish Project to provide knowledge about fish nursery to the community before releasing them into the dam, which increase the amount of fish in water sources to be the food banks for the community as well as help generate income for communities. CPF provided funding to set up a revolving fund for the sustainability of the project.

CP Foods operates its business under the strategy of three pillars to Sustainability strategy: “Food Security, Self-Sufficient Society and Balance of Nature”. In addition, this project is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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