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CP Foods Transforms Nong Wa Village into Agricultural Powerhouse, Enhancing Local Well-being
12 Mar 2024
CP Foods Transforms Nong Wa Village into Agricultural Powerhouse, Enhancing Local Well-being


Over the past 47 years, Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP Foods) has been instrumental in converting the once barren Nong Wa Agricultural Village in Chachoengsao Province into a thriving agricultural center. This significant transformation has not only boosted the region's agricultural output but has markedly improved the living standards of its residents. Facing initial hurdles like poverty, lack of opportunities, and a scarcity of arable land, the Ban Song Subdistrict community has made a remarkable recovery, driven by CP Foods' initiatives.

At the core of this success story is the "3 Benefits, 4 Synergies" model, a collaborative framework for modern agricultural development engaging the government, the private sector, financial bodies, and local farmers. CP Foods has led this effort, providing essential support through advanced pig breeding technology, superior animal feeds, and securing a stable market for the farmers' produce. This approach has ensured a steady income for farmers, propelling them from poverty towards sustainable prosperity.

Guided by CP Foods, Nong Wa Village has adopted cutting-edge farming methods and technologies, such as closed EVAP barns for pig farming and biogas systems for environmental management. These innovations have not only enhanced farming efficiency and sustainability but have also significantly uplifted the community's quality of life.

Moreover, CP Foods' engagement has diversified the village's income sources. In addition to pig farming, the community now engages in organic poultry raising, vegetable cultivation, and other agricultural endeavors, significantly boosting family incomes and fostering community well-being.

Nong Wa's commitment to sustainable and educational agricultural practices is further demonstrated through projects like the underground water banks and the Chaloem Phrakiat King Rama IX Ecological Forest. With CP Foods' backing, these projects serve as both sustainable agricultural models and learning resources for the wider community.

A key achievement in Nong Wa's journey towards agricultural excellence was the establishment of a modern, hygienic pig slaughterhouse in collaboration with CP Foods. This facility not only highlights the village's dedication to producing quality food but also lays the groundwork for future community growth, learning, and success.

Through its ongoing partnership with Nong Wa Agricultural Village, CP Foods highlights the positive changes that can arise from collaborative efforts between corporations and communities, underscoring a commitment to sustainable development and enhanced community well-being.

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