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CPF promotes high-quality shrimp production for business and environmental sustainability
05 Jun 2020
CPF promotes high-quality shrimp production for business and environmental sustainability

Charoen Pokphand Foods PLC (CPF) urges shrimp farmers to adopt standardized farming practices, emphasizing fresh, clean, safe, non-antibiotic and environmental-friendly products for consumers in Thailand and across the globe. 

Mr. Pairoj Apiruknusit, CPF’s Executive Vice President for aquaculture business, said that CPF is proceeding with its scheme to promote standardized shrimp farming practices for the sake of sustainability and the environment. Highlighted are the three innovative practices concerning the "3 Clean" principles, the water circulation system and the bio-security system, which will enhance farming efficiency, decrease disease risks, reduce the need for antibiotics and lessen environmental impacts. These practices will give consumers confidence and ensure long-term stability to farmers.


The combined systems emphasize the vannamei shrimp industry’s sustainability. Under the systems, sustainably-produced and environmental-friendly feed is highlighted along with legally-recruited labour. Healthy, clean and disease-resistant baby shrimps are sourced and raised accordingly to international practices to ensure zero residues and minimal risk levels. All workers must be legally-recruited. All guarantees the traceability throughout the supply chain. 

"Amid fiercely intensifying competition in the global market and consumers’ emphasis on environmental-friendly products, consumers opt for healthy and safe food from safe food production process for sustainable food security. This is the key factor that drives farmers away from traditional practices towards the practices that combine innovation and technology,” said Mr.Pairoj.

CPF’s “3 Clean” principles involve contamination-free baby shrimps; treated water that is clean and low in sediment; and clean floors to limit possible diseases. 

CPF also promotes water recycling. The innovation highlights zero waste and less dependence on water from outside sources which may cause contaminations. Farmers hence need no antibiotics and lower chemicals, which ensure farmers’ gains and sustainable benefits to the environment.

Mr.Pairoj said that CPF’s academic team has been dispatched to transfer knowledge and closely advise farrmers. The “3 Clean” principles, the biosecurity system and the water recycling system are correctly applied from the farm designing stage. The farming techniques are adjusted, along with waste management system to suit the farming sites and farmers’ capability. Small farmers are thus assured of greater yields and profits from all harvests. 

“The practices are an assurance of the delivery of safe farm products to dining tables. We play our part in reducing environmental impacts and leading the world towards sustainable production and consumption.” 

Though the COVID-19 outbreak dents demands and introduces the new normal, it is a must that food production must be concerned about environmental impacts and conform with standardized process for the sustainability and security of Thai and global consumers as well as the environment.

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