Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP Foods) has been granted an “Excellent” award in Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)’s Low Carbon and Sustainable Business Index (LCSi) 2021, reflected its commitment to conserve the balance of environment and reduce greenhouse gas emission.
Mr.Wuthichai Sithipreedanant, senior vice president for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development of CP Foods, said CP Foods operates the business with responsibility on social and environment towards the “Low-carbon Organization” by reducing greenhouse gas emission throughout the supply chain. The company has mapped out its climate change action plan by using raw materials source without deforestation, increasing production efficiency, promoting the use of renewable energy, developing more green products, optimizing logistic system, reducing food loss and food waste.
The company also encourages all operational sites planting trees to enhance green areas in the working place. Moreover, the company has been collaborated with communities and government agency to reforest and restore the forest both mountain area and mangrove forests covering more than 10,000 rais (equivalent to 1,600 hectares)
CP Foods has applied “Circular Economy” principle to maximize resource management. In 2020, the company’s renewable energy accounted for 26% of its total energy consumption which reduced greenhouse gas emission by 575,000 tons carbon dioxide equivalent. The company’s eco-friendly products certified carbon footprint labels and carbon footprint reduction labels reached more than 790 items.
Moreover, the newly launch of “CPF 2030 Sustainability in Action” drew a strong commitment through its action plan for the next 10 years (2021-2073). Under the plan, the company has engaged with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) all 17 targets and encouraging the action of employees, business partners, and stakeholders to ensure “Sustainable Low carbon Organization” in line with the United Nations’ Decade of Action goal.
TGO has promoted LCSi since 2019, which this year, CP Foods granted “Excellent” award from information disclosure in its Sustainability Report in the past three years and the interview with the company for detail of all dimensions including environment, social and economy./