CPF’s Chief executive officer Prasit Boondoungprasert was interviewed by Thai Listed Companies Association’s CEO Talk program on COVID-19 preparedness.
Mr. Prasit said the company’ is currently focusing on six dimensions, including food security, supply chain, COVID-19 Response Command Center, preventive measures, Logistic and other measurement to boost confidence.
CPF also continues its CSR schemes to supports medical workers of the public hospital nationwide as a heartfelt thanks to hospitals and their staffs who are offering the frontline service during COVID-19 outbreak.
"CPF's food from the heart against COVID-19" project has reached out to 88 public hospitals nationwide since 1st March 2020. Moreover, the company has supported food supplies to over 20,000 people returning from abroad to 14 days self-quarantine.
It will begin new CSR project on 9th April to deliver food for healthcare workers and families as well as delivering medical equipment to hospitals.
He added that the company has supported the government’s policy to ensure price stability, adding that the company will maintain its product costs at a reasonable price.
Mr. Prasit also stressed on importance of reassuring the employees that they are working in a safe environment. It is crucial to show them that CPF is making a genuine effort and taking strict measurements to keep them safe and disease-free.
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