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CP Foods Achieves Sustainable Egg Production by Transforming Waste into Renewable Energy
06 Nov 2023
CP Foods Achieves Sustainable Egg Production by Transforming Waste into Renewable Energy


Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CP Foods) has made a significant advancement in environmental conservation by implementing cutting-edge waste-to-energy technology in its layer farm operations. This innovation has led to the production of eggs with a substantially lower carbon footprint. The company's Jakarat and Phoprathabchang layer farms were recognized with the Thailand Energy Awards 2022 by the Ministry of Energy for their use of alternative energy sources.

The incorporation of biogas systems in these farms has effectively reduced energy consumption, decreasing dependency on Thailand's national grid. CP Foods' investment in these innovative energy solutions demonstrates its commitment to ecological preservation and operational efficiency.

Somkid Wannalukkhee, Head of CP Foods' Layer Business, credits the farms' success to the adoption of state-of-the-art technology for the optimal use of resources. This strategy guarantees the production of high-quality, fresh, safe, and antibiotic-free eggs. The farms enhance sustainability in the supply chain, supported by an automated egg conveyor system that conserves energy in transport and reduces production waste. The biogas system, which transforms chicken manure into energy, significantly reduces odors and achieves a zero-waste effect on local communities. Additionally, the farms support agricultural sustainability by supplying sludge to neighboring farmers as a substitute for chemical fertilizers, improving soil quality and cutting costs.

The biogas facilities at the Jakarat and Phoprathabchang farms produce a combined 4 million kilowatt-hours of energy annually, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2,477 tons of CO2 equivalent. This effort notably lowers electricity expenses by replacing 70-80% of their energy requirements with biogas, rather than conventional grid electricity.

Somkid also emphasized CP Foods' continuous efforts, such as expanding solar panel installations, with the goal of achieving 'RE100 Layer Farm' status, which would signify a complete shift to renewable energy in their layer farm operations.
Moreover, CP Foods has implemented biogas systems across its layer business in Thailand, converting waste into renewable energy, and uses exclusively recycled materials in egg packaging to promote environmental responsibility. The U Farm Brand's Cage-Free eggs are distinguished as the first in Asia and Thailand to be certified as Carbon Neutral. Additionally, 21 types of Cage-Free and Fresh Eggs packaging have earned a global warming reduction label from the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization. These initiatives underscore CP Foods' dedication to offering environmentally friendly products and its ambition to achieve Net-Zero emissions organization by 2050.

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