CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF kicks off CPF Rak Ni-Ves at Phraya Doen Thong Mountain Project
26 Jun 2017
CPF kicks off CPF Rak Ni-Ves at Phraya Doen Thong Mountain Project

Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (CPF) and its partners from the government and local communities join the opening ceremony of PF Rak Ni-Ves at Phraya Doen Thong Mountain Project in Lopburi province to preserve and restore over 5,900 rai of forest within 5 years.


CPF launched CPF Rak Ni-Ves at Phraya Doen Thong Mountain Project as part of the Phraya Doen Thong Mountain Project to establish “the Learning Center in celebrations of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's 60 Birthday Anniversary, in Lopburi Province.


The project will cover the area of 5,971 rai (955 hectares) following the five-year strategic plan during 2016-2020. This is to support the government’s policy on forest conservation and to continue CPF’s environmental sustainability “Balance of Nature” mission to contribute to the conservation and restoration of national strategic forests from upstream to midstream and downstream under the concept “From Mountain to Mangrove – Protecting Biodiversity”.


It also in response to the company commitment in The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to reduce global warming.


The project has five objectives as followed:


1.   To conserve and restore Pasak watershed forest at Phraya Doen Thong mountain towards the full recovery and the expansion of the watershed forest

2.   To monitor and assess the impact on increasing biodiversity of wild fauna and flora (compared to the baseline at the start of the project)

3.   To contribute to mitigating global warming and climate change from carbon absorption and ecosystem services of the forest

4.   To turn the forest into the source of food, natural medicine, and timber for communities – creating jobs and generating income among people in the surrounding communities

5.   To develop the forest into the nation’s model learning center for forest conservation and restoration.


The company targets to plant 3,200 rai of tree, grow 400,000 seeldings and build 20 checks dams in 2017.

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