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Cambodia embraces CPF's a model of good labor practices and food safety measures
20 Jul 2017
Cambodia embraces CPF's a model of good labor practices and food safety measures

A delegation of Cambodian senators praised Charoen Pokphand Foods PLC (CPF)'s good labor practices, vowing to apply the practices in elevating human rights standards, labor skills and the development of safe food production to support Cambodia's economic expansion.


Leading the delegation to CPF's pork processing plant, Mr. Mann Choeurn, a Member of Parliament and chairman of bilateral Friendship Group between the Senate of the kingdom of Cambodia and the National legislative Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand (Cambodian-Thai Friendship Senate), said that the visit was aimed at studying good labor practices and applying the model in tracing legal recruitments and meeting international human rights standards. The delegation learnt about Cambodian workers' work and living conditions. It also observed CPF's processing process that conforms to international food safety standards, aiming to use the knowledge in lifting Cambodia's agriculture and food processing industry as a way to ensure the Cambodians' access to safer and higher-quality food.


The delegation visited Thailand on the invitation of the chairman of Thailand's National Legislative Assembly. The visiting senators met Cambodian laborers working at CPF's pork processing plant, studied good labor practices and observed the modern safe food production process. The objective was to bring back a model in developing and modernizing Cambodia's agriculture and food processing industry.


"CPF is a good model in terms of safe and quality food production throughout the supply chain and knowledge plus modern technology in animal breeding which can improve Cambodia's livestock sector. We also learnt about CPF's good labor practices under international human rights standards which is crucial to Cambodia. As the country is witnessing economic growth, the practices can be a model to ensure equal labor treatment and conformity to international standards," นายมั่น เชือน said.


He added that learning from other countries including Thailand on the supply chain of safe food and private companies' good labor practices was good for Cambodia which is undergoing social and economic development. These can be models in improving Cambodia's agriculture and food production especially animal breeding to another level, so that 15 million population can access safer and higher-quality food. Learning from CPF's skill enhancement and good labor practices also brings benefits for Cambodia which is attracting new investment projects.


"I'm delighted seeing all Cambodians working for CPF are legally recruited and enjoy equal treatment. All are entitled to same pays and welfare Thai workers enjoy. Each can save and send home THB4,000-THB5,000 a month. I have to admit that the remittances have helped bolster the quality of life of Cambodian people," Mr. Mann Choeurn said, "Conversing with the Cambodian workers, I'm confident that CPF is an exemplary Thai company dedicated to quality and safe food production as well as equal treatment to Cambodian workers in line with human rights standards.


"Visiting CPF's pork processing plant in Chachoengsao, we observed the exemplary food processing process and labor management in line with international human rights standards. This can be our model in improving Cambodia's food sector while our Cambodian workers can improve their skills, being quality workforce to help support Thailand's economy and Cambodia's manufacturing sector in the future." Mr. Mann Choeurn said.


Welcoming the delegation to the plant, Mr. Nithiwat Jirayuthanyawat, Vice President of CPF's pork processing plant in Chachoengsao province, said that CPF placed emphasis on safe and standardized food production process as well as equal and non-biases practices to all workers in the supply chain as highlighted in the company's human rights declaration. The practices are aligned with the United Nations guidelines on business operations and human rights as well as Thailand's labor standards. At the same time, the company continuously encourages business partners and farmers in the supply chain to uphold human rights. Earlier, the plant received a certificate from Cambodia's Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training lauding it for the exemplary labor practices for migrant workers and the Royal Embassy of Cambodia visited the plant to witness Cambodian workers at the plant as well.

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