CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
Corporate Governance
Continuously develop and achieve business growth goals and fulfill the commitment to sustainable long-term value. Go with all stakeholders.
our mision
Message to Shareholders
The company is still working hard to raise its competitive edge. For continued growth
CPF and Sustainability
To strengthen capacity and growth opportunities while creating shared value with diverse stakeholder groups.
CPF and Sustainability
CPF drives innovation to create business excellence while simultaneously making sustainability for a better world for our future generations, under the strategy of "Sustainovation".
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In operating its businesses, the Company has several groups of stakeholders, namely shareholders, employees, customers, business partners, trade competitors, creditors, community, and society. All groups of stakeholders must be fairly served by the Company according to their statutory rights and agreements with the Company. Should there be any damage, the Company will provide proper indemnification to all parties concerned.
1.The Company shall have measures to indemnify stakeholders who sustain damage as a result of the Company's acting in violation of their statutory rights.
2.The Company shall ensure that indications of, or lodgment of complaints relating to, any violation of law or the Company's ethics may be made through the Company's independent directors and audit committee members. The Company shall also have measures to protect employees or persons who report any violation of law. The complainant can contact independent directors and Audit Committee by providing the information in the Inquiries Form posted on the Company’s website at www.cpfworldwide.com or submit the written information to
Address: 1,1/1 Soi Yen Chit 2, Intersection 1, Sapsamut Building 2, 4th floor, Yen Chit Road, Thung Wat Don, Sathon, Bangkok 10120
E-mail: iaoffice@cpf.co.th
3.After receiving any indications, the Company shall ensure that appropriate action is taken. Matters with material impact must be investigated and reported to the Board of Directors.
4.The Company shall provide channels through which stakeholders may lodge complaints relating to infringement of their rights. Contact details of the delegated persons are clearly designated.
5.The Company shall establish a policy on non-violation of human rights.
6.The Company shall establish a policy on non-infringement of intellectual property or copyright.
7.The Company shall establish a policy on anti-corruption and anti-bribery, and ensure that its risk assessment process covers this area of risk.
8.Promote a good corporate governance culture and strive to have the Company’s objectives embedded in Company-wide decision-making and conduct through effective communication.
Roles Toward Shareholders
The Board of Directors acts as a representative of the shareholders in monitoring and supervising the management to manage the businesses for maximum returns and the best satisfaction of shareholders, taking into account the value and sustainable growth of the Company. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established the following guidelines:
-to organize an efficient nomination process in order to recruit qualified individuals to be appointed as directors, and to assign the Remuneration and Nominating Committee to be responsible for this process; and
-to disclose the Company's financial information and other matters in an adequate, transparent and reliable manner, and to set up an Investor Relations Office to act as a channel of communication between shareholders and the Company and as a source of information concerning the Company's businesses.
Roles Toward Employees
All employees are valuable resources and major factors for the success in businesses. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established the following guidelines:
-to establish a human resource management policy which covers personnel management, fair, equal, polite, and respectful treatment of employees, provision of career opportunities for employees at all levels, and creation of morale. In this regard, a channel of communication between the CEO and employees has been provided via the Company's internet system, through which the CEO can communicate the Company's policies, visions and goals to employees, and through which employees' comments, suggestions and grievances can be brought directly to the attention of the CEO for timely investigation. The names of those employees will be kept confidential;
-to establish an occupational safety and health policy;
-to establish a personal development policy in order to improve and develop employees' skills and performance to support the Company's growth;
-to establish a policy on employees' remuneration and welfare, based on the fundamental principles that such remuneration and welfare must be reasonable and comparable to those of the domestic peers in the same industry and based on employees' individual performance, and that they must reflect the short-term and long-term operating results of the Company.
-to establish a code of ethics for employees, which includes prohibition from paying or receiving bribes or any forms of incentive to induce the commission of any act in violation of law or the Company's regulations or to induce undue compromise in any business dealing, as well as a code of conduct for executives and employees which embodies the Company's values, ethics, and accountability towards stakeholders, with an aim to establish standards in the performance of duties by the executives and employees on the basis of integrity and honesty. All employees have to sign for acknowledgement and uphold the principles stated in this code of ethics as a guideline for performing their work,
-to respect the employees' right to privacy, and to keep employees' personal data confidential, as well as to designate persons who are specifically authorized to access such information as necessary and appropriate.
-to establish the provident fund after the employment agreements between the Company and its employees have been done. At present, the Company is in the process of the agreement arrangement.
Roles Toward Customers
The customers' greatest satisfaction and confidence in the Company are of utmost importance. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established guidelines regarding the fair and accountable treatment of customers as follows:
-to set up a system to monitor and control the processes of production and product supply in order to offer quality merchandise to customers, and to regularly upgrade and modernize the production and quality control technologies;
-to set up a system to control and ensure compliance with the agreements made with customers in a strict, honest, attentive, and regular manner;
-to set up a system to control the maintenance of customers’ confidential information as if it were the Company’s confidential information; and
-to set up a "call center" to receive comments and complaints regarding the Company’s merchandise, and to ensure that the designated unit will promptly conduct an investigation and take remedial action upon receiving such complaints.
Roles Toward Business Partners
Business partners are important. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established guidelines regarding the fair and equitable treatment of all business partners as follows:
-to set up procurement regulations and select suppliers, contractual parties, or consultants on the basis of the Company's best interest, whereby the selection process must be transparent, unbiased and auditable, and employees must be prohibited from taking any benefits from the candidates; and
-to set up a system to monitor and prevent disclosure or unlawful exploitation of any confidential information of business partners in the operation of businesses.
Roles Toward Trade Competitors
Business competition must be on the basis of compliance with rules and ethics. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established the guidelines regarding fair and accountable treatment of trade competitors as follows:
-to set up a system to monitor and prevent unlawful acquisition or exploitation of trade secrets of trade competitors;
-not to intentionally injure the reputation of any trade competitor by making an adverse accusation; and
-not to take advantage of trade competitors by any dishonest means.
Roles Toward Creditors
The Board of Directors has established guidelines regarding fair and accountable treatment of creditors as follows:
-to set up a system to monitor and control strict compliance with the Company's obligations towards its creditors in order to safeguard the Company's reputation; and
-to clearly and fairly prescribe commercial terms and conditions, such as the provision of guarantee and the action to be taken in the case of default of payment.
Roles Toward Community and Society
The Board of Directors has established the guidelines regarding fair and accountable treatment of community and society as follows:
-to commit to being an organization that is accountable to the local, national, and global society, and to create activities that benefit the development of the community and society;
-to demonstrate a clear intention to take all steps to preserve the environment with emphasis on the prevention and reduction of pollution that destroys environment, and to provide knowledge and training on the environment to employees;
-to give importance to political activities and political participation, and to recognize the political rights and freedoms of employees in their private capacity, provided that employees may not exercise political rights or provide political support in the name of the Company;
-to support and participate in community development activities;
-to establish a policy on the preservation of the environment and society; and
-to establish a policy on the promotion of efficient utilization of natural resources.
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